In the study above (problem #3), an extraneous variable is the fact that subjects may lose weight du

Question: In the study above (problem #3), an extraneous variable is the fact that subjects may lose weight during the 60 day time period for reasons other than the diet. Therefore, we decide to include a control group. This group will be matched in weight to the experimental subjects, but will not receive the diet. Their data is given below. Is the diet effective? Feel free to be creative in your solution to this problem because there might be multiple ways of solving based upon what we have learned.

SUBJECT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Before 203 235 175 159 183 210 209 192 201
After 207 231 172 164 187 204 215 215 184
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See Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
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