I am very interested in the use of technology in the classroom. Suppose we do an experiment in which

Question: I am very interested in the use of technology in the classroom. Suppose we do an experiment in which we teach each of three sections of an introductory psychology class in a different way. One section of six students receives the standard lecture format (blackboard & discussion), a second section of six students receives the same lectures with the addition of overhead transparencies, and the third section receives the lectures on the web. The dependent variable is performance on a standardized (final) exam. The data for the three groups follow. Do an analysis and make your conclusion based upon the results of the analysis.

Subject GROUP
Lecture Overheads Web
1 65 85 92
2 72 74 80
3 64 64 78
4 85 85 96
5 59 65 85
6 78 81 82
Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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