The mean cleanup and redecorating time for a one-bedroom student apartment at campus Housing is 16 h
Question: The mean cleanup and redecorating time for a one-bedroom student apartment at campus Housing is 16 hours. The time for the cleanup and redecorating process follows the normal distribution. The campus Housing administration instituted a ¡§fee and fine
system¡¨ that encourages students to clean their apartments when they vacate them. This should shorten the cleanup and redecorating time. A sample of 15 apartments had a mean cleanup and redecorating time of 14.5 hours with a standard deviation of 1.5 hours.
Does use of the ¡§fee and fine system¡¨ decrease the cleanup and redecorating time? Follow the five-step hypothesis testing procedure using the 0.05 significance level.
a. State the null and alternate hypotheses. (This one is a one-tailed test.)
b. What is the level of significance?
c. Compute the value of the test statistic. (Show me the values used to calculate test statistic. Is this a ¡§t ¡§or a ¡§z¡¨?)
d. Formulate the decision rule. (Show the values used to determine test statistic including degrees of freedom and significance level. The form should be something like If t < tc, Reject H0)
e. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis? Interpret the result. (Does the evidence suggest that the fee and fine system reduced cleanup and redecorating time?)
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