A sample of 10 high school students completed a course designed to increase SAT verbal scores. The f

Question: A sample of 10 high school students completed a course designed to increase SAT verbal scores. The following is the summary for this group’s SAT verbal scores after completion of the course:

Σx= 5846, x2 =3428148.

a. What is the mean and standard deviation for this group’s SAT verbal score?

b. What scores mark the cutoff for the most deviant 10%?

c. In the past, students have had an average SAT verbal score of 542.

Can the school accurately conclude that this new course significantly improved the SAT verbal scores of these 10 students? Write both a statistical statement and an English statement.

d. If a student made a 500 on this SAT, what would be his/her percentile rank?

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