Below are several research scenarios. Indicate which set of statistical analyses (e.g., ANOVA, indep

Question: Below are several research scenarios. Indicate which set of statistical analyses (e.g., ANOVA, independent samples t test, correlated samples t test, correlation, chi-square) should be used to analyze the data collected in study, and explain why that statistical test should be used .

(a) Teachers at a local middle school were interested in exploring the effects of a collaborative peer tutor teaching program on the motivation levels seventh-grade students. Four of eight classes of seventh grade students were randomly selected at Bulloch Middle School to serve as subjects in this study. Students within each class were then randomly assigned to one of three groups: a collaborative peer tutor teaching program, group learning activities, or individual learning activities. Each class was taught by a different teacher. The Middleman motivation scale was used to measure motivation in the subjects, and this scale produces scores that range from 1 to 25 with higher scores indicating greater motivation. Validity for the Middleman scale was previously ascertained by examining how scores from the Middleman motivation scale corresponded to scores from variables that are theoretically related to motivation, such as effort to achieve, persistence, intelligence, and self-efficacy. Internal consistency for scores from the Middleman scale typically range between .81 and .86. Data for the current study were collected at the end of a 16 week program. Analysis of these data revealed that students in the individual learning activities demonstrated a statistically higher level of motivation compared with students in the two other, traditional groups (collaborative peer tutor teaching program, and group learning activities).

(b) Two researchers hypothesized that students who spend less time reading at home will have lower standardized reading scores. The researchers asked all students in each fifth grade classroom within the local school district to participate in the study. These students kept daily home reading logs over a four month period. Based on this information, the researchers calculated the average number of minutes read daily for each student. The amount of reading tiMeand the corresponding reading test score for each student were analyzed to determine the type of association between these two variables.

(c) A researcher developed a video designed to enhance creative writing. Fifty high school students were asked to participate in the study. Twenty-five were randomly assigned to group A and the other twenty-five were assigned to group B. The video was shown to group A, and group B read a short story by Mark Twain. Both groups knew they were participating in an experiment, and both groups also knew that group A was the experimental group. After receiving their treatments, both groups were asked to write an essay on anything they chose. The next day three English teachers were asked to read each and every essay and provide a creativity score for the essay ranging from a low of one to a high of ten.

(d) Dr. Einstein is interested in determining whether an association exists between teacher experience with sexual harassment and satisfaction with their job. Einstein anticipates that teachers sexually harassed by their administrators will show less satisfaction with their jobs than teachers sexually harassed by other teachers. In addition, he also thinks that those who are sexually harassed, by anyone on the job, will be less satisfied with their jobs than those who are not sexually harassed. Einstein created a list of all public and private schools in the states of Texas, California, and New York, randomly selected thirty schools and mailed his sexual harassment and satisfaction instrument to each teacher within the thirty schools selected. Once the data from the surveys were received, Einstein analyzed the data to learn if satisfaction differed by harassment group. Satisfaction was measured on a scale that ranges from 15 to 75 with higher scores indicating greater satisfaction.

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