(7 pt - dataset in Excel file) At what age do infants speak their first word of English? Here is the
Question: (7 pt – dataset in Excel file) At what age do infants speak their first word of English? Here is the data for 20 children (age in months):
15 26 10 9 15 20 18 11 8 20
7 9 10 11 11 10 12 17 11 10
Do you have good evidence that the mean age at first word among all normal children is greater than 1 year?.
a. (1) State the (H0) and alternative hypotheses (Ha)
b. (2) Calculate the test statistic
c. (1) What are the degrees of freedom?
d. (1) What are the t-values that bracket your test statistic?
e. (1) Find your p-value.
f. (1) Make your final conclusion in words and in terms of the profile calculated p-value. Use 5% significance criteria.
Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document
Deliverables: Word Document