Auto Accidents: Age Let x be the age of a licensed driver in years. Let y be the percentage of all f

Question: Auto Accidents: Age

Let x be the age of a licensed driver in years. Let y be the percentage of all fatal accidents (for a given age) due to failure to yield the right of way. For example, the first data pair says that 5% of all fatal accidents involving 37-year-olds mare due to failure to yield the right of way.

Complete parts (a) through (e), given ∑x = 372, ∑y = 112, ∑x² = 24,814, ∑y² = 3194, ∑xy = 8254, and r ≈ 0.943

(f) Predict the percentage of all fatal accidents due to failing to yield the right of way for 70-year-olds.

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Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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