Box Office Boffo A research project is organized at Red Widget Entertainment Studios to explore the

Question: Box Office Boffo

A research project is organized at Red Widget Entertainment Studios to explore the relationship years of service and box office performance of star contract employees. The management objective is to project box office performance (rating scale = 0 to 6) based upon years of service.

Employee Years of Service Performance Rating

Jodi 1 6

Clint 20 5

Morgan 6 3

Leonardo 8 5

George 2 2

Cate 1 2

Gwynneth 15 4

Halle 8 3

a. What is the dependent variable?

b. Draw a scatter diagram.

c. Does there appear to be a relationship between years of service and performance?

d. Develop the regression equation.

e. For 8 years of star contract service, what is the predicted box office performance rating?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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