Variable description: Airport: Either New York Kennedy Airport, New York LaGuardia Airport, or Newa

Question: Variable description:

Airport: Either New York Kennedy Airport, New York LaGuardia Airport, or Newark New Jersey Airport

IncidentCategory: One of four classifications of runway incidents denoted by an A, B, C, or D

The Federal Aviation Administration classifies runway incidents at airports into one of four categories. Category A incidents are incidents in which extreme action is taken to narrowly avoid a collision, Category B incidents are incidents in which there is substantial potential for a collision, Category C incidents are incidents in which there is ample tiMeand distance to avoid a collision, Category D incidents are incidents in which there is little or chance for collision but meets the definition of a runway incursion. Suppose that data are collected for the three major airports serving New York City.

a. Form a contingency table for these data and compute the expected values for each cell. Pool (combine) the necessary rows or columns so that no cell has an expected value less than five.

b. Using the table in part a, test that a relationship exists between the three major airports serving New York City and the type of incidents that can occur on a runway, Use a 10% significance level,

c. Write an executive summary describing your results.

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