Now it’s time to investigate some relationships. This is where the real fun begins. This time, open
Question: Now it’s time to investigate some relationships. This is where the real fun begins. This time, open gss2006_ chapter6 . dta. Investigate the codebook on the variable pornlaw. Now, do a cross-tabulation with sex. Which variable is the independent variable? Which would you put in the row, and how would you calculate the percentages so that they make sense? Change the labels of the response options for pornlaw so that they make more sense to the reader. Run the table again, and report this table in your homework. Now, determine whether these variables are related. Report the chi-squared value and Cramér’s V. What does this tell us about the relationship? Calculate the odds ratio. Using all of this information, explain how much women and men differ in their attitude about legalizing pornography.
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