Solution) A university studied performance in a course required by its Nursing major. Students must earn at le

Question: A university studied performance in a course required by its Nursing major. Students must earn at least a C in the course in order to continue in the major. One question of interest was the relationship between tiMeand spent in extracurricular activities. The extracurricular activity categories and course grade for the 119 students who answer the questions are displayed. Carryout an appropriate test for Ho and H1.

Grade Hours of extracurricular activities
Less than 2 hrs 2 to 12 hrs More than 12 hrs Total
C or better 11 68 3 82
D or F 9 23 5 37
Total 20 91 8 119
Price: $2.99
See Solution: The solution file consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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