Please use file Chi_Square.xls in order to perform a hypothesis testing on a contingency table. In y

Question: Please use file Chi_Square.xls in order to perform a hypothesis testing on a contingency table. In your answer, please first specify HO and H1 and lay out the problem formally.

Companies use celebrities as spokespersons in their TV advertisements. A study was conducted to determine whether brand awareness of female TV viewers and the gender of the spokesperson are independent. Each in a sample of 300 female TV viewers was asked to identify a product adver­tised by a celebrity spokesperson. The gender of the spokesperson and whether or not the viewer could identify the product were recorded. The numbers in are given below (Table 12-2).

Identified product 41 61

Could not identify 109 89

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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