Hypothesis: A weekend seminar in assertiveness training increases the assertiveness of the female pa

Question: Hypothesis: A weekend seminar in assertiveness training increases the assertiveness of the female participants. A random sample of 90 female university students is selected. Each woman is first evaluated for assertiveness by specially trained interviewers. In that pre-test, 25 are judged to be assertive and 65 nonassertive. All the women then attend a weekend seminar in assertiveness training. At the end of the weekend, each woman is again interviewed and evaluated. In the post-condition, 60 of the women are judged to be assertive and 30 nonassertive. The data table, with marginal totals, follows:


Nonassertive Assertive Total

Assertive 10 15 25


Nonassertive 20 45 65

30 60 90

Test the hypothesis.

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Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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