For the past two years, the Tranquility Bay Parks and Recreation Director, Sam Renfroe, h

Question: Question 5

For the past two years, the Tranquility Bay Parks and Recreation Director, Sam Renfroe, has been arguing for extra staffing at the recreation center. Recently, patron complaints have increased at the recreation center and Renfroe says complaints usually occur when the staff is shorthanded and stretched too thin. Budget Director Dana Williams thinks that Renfroe is simply using the complaints to push his request. Renfroe is persistent, however; so Williams asks for and receives the following data:

Daily Numbers of Staff and Patrons at the Recreation Center

Day of the Month Staff on Duty Patrons Patron Complaints
1 4 83 0
2 4 90 0
3 5 88 1
4 4 79 2
5 5 85 1
6 5 88 0
7 6 89 2
8 5 90 0
9 6 81 1
10 7 92 1
11 6 79 0
12 7 85 1
13 7 86 0
14 6 79 0
15 5 84 0
16 5 89 0
17 4 89 2
18 5 90 0
19 6 94 1
20 6 93 0
21 7 87 1
22 6 87 1
23 5 85 0
24 4 93 0
25 4 90 0
26 5 78 1
27 7 85 1
28 7 93 1
29 6 86 0
30 5 85 0

Williams wants to see if there is a correlation between the staff being “stretched too thin” and complaints. In her calculation, should she use the raw numbers of “staff on duty” or should she use the ratio of patrons per staff member? Why?

Calculate the correlation for Williams. What is the result and what does this result tell her?

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Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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