Solution) Burnout of human services professionals Emotional exhaustion, or burnout, is a significant problem

Question: Burnout of human services professionals

Emotional exhaustion, or burnout, is a significant problem for people with careers in human services. A sample of 25 human services professionals at a public hospital was studied. Emotional exhaustion was measured with a questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory. One of the independent variables considered, called concentration, measured the concentration of an individual’s social contacts within their work group. The table below lists the sample values of the emotional exhaustion index (higher values indicate greater exhaustion) and concentration.

Concentration, x Exhaustion Index, y Concentration, x Exhaustion Index, y
20 100 86 493
60 525 83 892
38 300 79 527
88 980 75 600
79 310 81 855
87 900 75 709
68 410 77 791
12 296 77 718
35 120 77 684
70 501 17 141
80 920 85 400
92 810 96 970
77 506

a. Construct a scatter plot of the data. Do these variables appear to be related?

b. Find the correlation coefficient for the data and interpret its value.

c. Does your conclusion mean that concentration causes emotional exhaustion? Explain.

d. Find the regression equation for this data set.

e. What Exhaustion Index value would you predict for an individual with a Concentration Score of 800?

f. Is this regression line useful for predicting burnout? Give your rationale.

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