In a clinical trial of Lipitor , a common drug used to lower cholesterol, 863 patients were given a

Question: In a clinical trial of Lipitor , a common drug used to lower cholesterol, 863 patients were given a treatment of 10-mg tablets. That groups consists of 19 patients who experienced flu symptoms. The probability of flu symptoms for a person not receiving any treatment is 0.019.

a. Assuming that Lipitor has no effect on fly symptoms, find the mean and standard deviation for the numbers of people in groups of 863 that can be expected to have flu symptoms.

b. Based on the result from part a, is it unusual to find that among 863 people, there are 19 people who experience flu symptoms? Why or why not?

c. Based on the preceding results, do fl symptoms appear to be an adverse reactions that should be of concern to those who use Lipitor ?

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