A multimedia statistics learning system includes a test of skill in using the computer’s

Question: Problem 2 : A multimedia statistics learning system includes a test of skill in using the computer’s mouse. The software displays a circle at a random location on the computer screen. The subject tries to click in the circle with the mouse as quickly as possible. A new circle appears as soon as the subject clicks the old one. The usability_test.xls file contains data for two variables: DISTANCE and TIME. DISTANCE is the distance from the cursor location to the center of the new circle, in units whose actual size depends on the size of the screen. TIME is the time required to click in the new circle, in milliseconds. Data were collected for 10 subjects, where each subject clicked 15 times.

We suspect that time depends on distance. Download the usability_test.xls data from the course documents for module 3. Use SPSS to compute the following analysis –

(a) Identify the response variable and the independent variable in this study

(b) Make a scatterplot of time against distance. Describe the pattern in the plot.

(c) Does the scatterplot display any outliers?

(d) Compute the correlation coefficient between distance and time, and draw conclusions on the strength of the association between the two variables.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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