A physical therapist wished to compare three methods (A, B, C) for teaching patients to use a certai
Question: A physical therapist wished to compare three methods (A, B, C) for teaching patients to use a certain prosthetic device. He felt that the rate (5 to 15) of learning would be different for patients of different ages and wished to design an experiment in which the influence of age would be taken into account.
• Three patients in each of five age groups were selected to participate in the experiment, and one patient in each age group was randomly assigned to each teaching method
• The methods of instruction are the three treatments (A, B, C) and the age-groups are the five blocks (<20, …, >50).

(a) Using the data and results and the (Fisher) LSD method, determine which means display statistically significant differences. (b) Using the data and results and the Tukey HSD method, determine which means display statistically significant differences.
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