An experiment is designed to investigate the impact of different positions of the mother

Question: Question 5: An experiment is designed to investigate the impact of different positions of the mother on fetal heart rate. Fetal heart rate is measured by ultrasound in beats per minute. The study included 20 women who were assigned to one position and had the fetal heart rate measured in that position. Each woman was between 28 and 32 weeks gestation. The data are shown in Table 7.47. Is there a significant difference in mean fetal heart rates by position? Run the test at a 5% level of significant.

Table 7.47 Fetal Heart Rate by Position

Back Side Sitting Standing

20 21 24 26

24 23 25 25

26 25 27 28

21 24 28 29

19 16 24 25

Mean = 22.0 Mean = 21.8 Mean = 25.6 Mean = 26.6

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Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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