The data below shows the number of items of a new product sold over a period of 15 months at a certa

Question: The data below shows the number of items of a new product sold over a period of 15 months at a certain store.

Months , x 1 3 6 8 10 12 15
No. of items sold , y 10 12 15 19 20 21 21

(a) Draw the scatter plot for the data.

(b) Find the equation of the regression line and plot using SPSS.

© Describe how the line fits the data.

(d) Using the transform command, create a new variable for x by generating log x.

(e) Using the log x values as the independent variable, find the equation of the regression line and plot the regression line using SPSS.

(f) Compare the two plots (one with x variable and the other with log x) and give your interpretation as to which one fits the data better.

(g) From your SPSS tables, compute r and \[{{r}^{2}}\] for both sets of data. Discuss give your interpretation of these values.

(h) Give your opinion as to which line would be a better predictor for the data and why.

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