Solution) Dr. Allen suspects a strong correlation between math anxiety and performance in statistics. To test

Question: Dr. Allen suspects a strong correlation between math anxiety and performance in statistics. To test that hypothesis he collects the following data.

Math Anxiety 1st Exam Score
78 68 82 56 23 22 34 20 53 65 30 42 58 38 75 82 85 49 86 54 53 84

a. Conduct and interpret the appropriate analysis to determine if there is a relationship between math anxiety and performance in statistics (10 pts)

b. Construct the appropriate graph to show the relationship between math anxiety and exam score (5 pts)

c. If a student scores a 49 on the Math Anxiety test, what would be the predicted score on the first exam? (2.5 pts.)

d. If a student scores an 85 on the Math Anxiety, what would be the predicted score on the first exam? (2.5 pts.)

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See Solution: The answer consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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