Visit the following Web site and read what is posted:

Question: Visit the following Web site and read what is posted: . Next, from the pull-down menu at the bottom of the page, choose 5 for number of dice. For the number of rolls at a time from that menu, again choose 5. Click to roll your virtual dice. Keep track of how many clicks (rolls) it takes to achieve a "normal curve." Repeat the experiment again using the following conditions, each time keeping track of how many clicks (rolls) it takes to produce a normal distribution: 5 dice, 10 rolls at a time; 5 dice, 100 rolls at a time, and because you are curious—if your computer allows—go ahead and try 5 dice with 1,000 and 10,000 rolls at a time. What does this experiment tell you about the Central Limit Theorem? How is this information applicable to research in which you may be involved, including possible thesis/dissertation ideas you have?

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Answer: The solution consists of 1 page
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