You are planning to study for your statistics examination with a group of classmates, one of whom yo

Question: You are planning to study for your statistics examination with a group of classmates, one of whom you particularly want to impress. This individual has volunteered to use MS Excel to get the needed summary information, tables, and charts for a data set containing several numerical and categorical variables assigned by the instructor for study purposes. This person comes over to you with the printout and exclaims. “I’ve got it all-the means, the medians, the standard deviation, the box-and-whisker plots, the pie charts-for all our variables. The problem is, some of the output looks weird-like the box-and-whisker plots for gender and for major and the pie charts for grade point index and for height. Also, I can’t understand why Professor Krehbiel said we can’t get the descriptive stats for some of the variables-I got them for everything! See, the mean for height is 68.23, the mean for grade point index is 2.76, the mean for gender is 1.50, the mean for major is 4.33.” What is your reply?

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Solution: The solution consists of 1 page
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