Alligator Attacks. Here are data on the number of unprovoked attacks by alligators on people in Flor

Question: Alligator Attacks. Here are data on the number of unprovoked attacks by alligators on people in Florida over a 33 year period:

Year Attacks Year Attacks Year Attacks Year Attacks
1972 5 1973 3 1974 4 1975 5 1976 2 1977 14 1978 5 1979 2 1980 4 1981 5 1982 6 1983 6 1984 5 1985 3 1986 13 1987 9 1988 9 1989 13 1990 18 1991 18 1992 10 1993 18 1994 22 1995 19 1996 13 1997 11 1998 9 1999 15 2000 23 2001 17 2002 14 2003 6 2004 11

a) Make a histogram of the counts of attacks. What is the overall shape of the distribution? What is the midpoint of the yearly counts of alligator attacks?

b) Make a time plot. What overall pattern does your plot show? Why is the typical number of attacks from 1972 to 2004 not very useful in (say) 2006? (The main reason for the time trend is the continuing increase in Florida's population)

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Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
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