The following results are from data concerning the amount withdrawn from an ATM machine based on the

Question: The following results are from data concerning the amount withdrawn from an ATM machine based on the amount of time spent at the ATM machine (SECONDS) and the gender, FEMALE (dummy variable = 1 for females and = 0 for males) and an interaction term, SECONDS *FEMALE.

a) Complete the results: (30)

Based on the regression results:

(b) What is the estimated regression equation?

(c) What is the predicted withdraw amount if SECONDS = 30 for a female?

(d) What is the predicted withdraw amount if SECONDS = 31 for a female?

(e) What is the predicted withdraw amount if SECONDS = 30 for a male?

(f) What is the marginal impact on withdraw amount of a female spending an additional second at an ATM machine?

(g) What is the marginal impact on withdraw amount of a person being a female (compared to a male) for someone who spends 30 seconds at an ATM machine?

Use the 1% level of significance to test to see if the coefficient of Seconds is different than -3.5. (15)

Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 6 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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