A food service manager read an article that stated the places where people consumed takeout food are

Question: Refer to problem (9). Using the formula on page 444 in our textbook, construct the 95% confidence interval for the difference in proportions p1 - p2, where p1 is the proportion of 36 – 50 year olds who get their news primarily from newspapers, and p2 is the proportion of over 50 year olds who get their news primarily from newspapers. Interpret the results. Compare this confidence interval to your hypothesis test result in #9. Explain why you would reject the null hypothesis if the confidence interval did not contain zero.

36 – 50 year olds Over 50 year olds
\[{{x}_{1}}=82\] \[{{x}_{2}}=104\]
\[{{n}_{1}}=200\] \[{{n}_{2}}=200\]

Population proportion \[{{p}_{1}}\] Population proportion \[{{p}_{2}}\]

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
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