Suppose you wish to compare a new Method of teaching reading to "slow learners to the current standa

Question: Suppose you wish to compare a new Method of teaching reading to "slow learners to the current standard method. You decide to bake this comparison on the results of a reading test given at the end of a learning period of 6.months. Of a random sample of 22 slow learners, 10 are taught by the new method and 12 are taught by the standard method. All.22 children are taught by qualified instructors under similar conditions for a 6-month Period. The results of the reading test at the end of this period are given in table below

a. Use the data in the table to estimate the true mean difference between the test scores for the new method and the standard method. Use a 95% confidence interval, and interpret the interval

b. What assumptions must be made in order that the estimate is valid?

c. Does these two methods of teaching the same or are they different?

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Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages
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