An experiment is conducted to compare the starting salaries of male and female college graduates who

Question: An experiment is conducted to compare the starting salaries of male and female college graduates who find jobs. Pairs are formed by choosing a male and a female with the same major and similar grade point averages (CPA). Suppose a random sample of 10 pairs is formed in this manner and the starting annual salary of each person is recorded. The results are shown in table below. Compare the mean starting salary, \({{\mu }_{1}}\) for males to the mean starting salary, \({{\mu }_{2}}\) for females using a 95% Confidence interval. Interpret the results. Do the mean starting salaries of females is less than the mean starting of the males, use the hypothesis test?

Data on Annual Salaries for Matched Pairs of College Graduates

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Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
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