SPSS computation and Interpretation (Regression): Download the “2009FinalExamData1_OnlineSurveyRespo

Question: SPSS computation and Interpretation (Regression): Download the “2009FinalExamData1_OnlineSurveyResponses.sav” file from D2L Module 6 (YES, it is the same data file that should have already been downloaded for Question #2). This data set consists of 96 MBA students’ perception/attitude toward social media usage. You should find the variable definition by clicking the SPSS “Variable View” for details. Another novice researcher (let’s call this individual “Researcher BBB”) would like to build a multiple regression model

y = β 0 + β 1 x1 + β 2 x2 + error,

where y = fun, x1 = activeuser, x2 = gender).

a. Is the overall model statistically useful for predicting y? Test using alpha(α) = .05

b. Conduct a test for the gender effect at α = .05

c. Examine whether an average “active social media users” would consider using social media a fun activity than an average/typical “non-active media users” (i.e., examine whether the sign related to variable x 1 is a negative one in the above regression model)

d. What is the 98% Confidence Interval for β -estimate related to variable x2 (i.e., gender)? If you only know how to obtain a 95% C.I., you can still earn up to 5 points for this question.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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