A sample of physicians, mental health professionals, and school administrators from one Connecticut

Question: A sample of physicians, mental health professionals, and school administrators from one Connecticut city were asked how many reports of suspected child abuse and neglect they made in the last 12 months to determine if there was a difference in the mean number of reports made by these groups. The following results were obtained: (4 points)

Number of reports made (days)
Physicians Mental health professionals School administrators
0 0 0 2 2 4 5 5 6 6 2 2 4 5 5 7 7 9 11 12 0 1 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 8

a. What is the independent variable? (¼ pt)

b. What is the dependent variable? (¼ pt)

c. What type of data is the dependent variable? (¼ pt)

d. How many samples test should you use (i.e. one, two, or k)? Describe the samples. (¼ pt)

e. Are the samples related? Justify your answer. (¼ pt)

f. What is the mean number of reports made by each group? (¼ pt)

deviation squared deviation squared deviation squared
observation minus observation minus observation minus
sample mean grand mean sample mean grand mean sample mean grand mean
n 10 10 10
sum of X 30.00 64.00 108.40 140.80 44.00 82.40 82.80
mean 3.00 5.60 8.16 6.40 10.84 14.08 4.40 8.24 8.28
sum of squares 56.00 81.60 108.40 140.80 82.40 82.80
variance 6.22 9.07 12.04 15.64 9.16 9.20

g. Since the data is normally distributed, what is the most appropriate statistical test to use to test the null hypothesis that the mean number of reports is equal among the three groups? Justify your answer. (½ pt)

h. What is the value of the observed test statistic? (¼ pt)

i. What is the critical value of the observed test statistic needed to reject the null hypothesis at an alpha level of .05? (¼ pt)

j. Using all the information available on the spreadsheet and in the attached tables, what is the best estimate you can make for p? (½ pt)

k. With an alpha level of .05, would you reject the null that the mean number of reports is equal among the three groups? (½ pt)

l. Is it necessary or appropriate to use a multiple comparison procedure for this data? Justify your answer. (½ pt)

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See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
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