Chief George Whatacop is really, really irate. His officers have been complaining that along West Ma

Question: The Swartz Advertising Group of Prescott City recently won a contract from the Swamp Water Bottling Company of Jacksonville to find if there is a difference on which shelf their “Fizzy Swamp Water” is located within a store. The company thinks that if they are able to control the size of the store where their swamp water is sold, that they can sell more of their nutritious and delightful tasting Swamp Water that has a hint of “alligator” in it. Sue Swartz and her crackerjack team surveyed several stores in the small, medium and large range and varied the location of the “Fuzzy Swamp Water”. In some stores it was placed at the lowest shelf, in others at the middle shelf, at still others at the upper middle shelf, while at a few on the very top shelf. They then found the number of bottles of “Fizzy Swamp Water” sold in a given week. Those results are as follows.

Store Size Bottom Shelf Middle Shelf Upper Middle Shelf Top Shelf
Small 300 200 500 200
Medium 400 180 600 200
Large 600 300 900 400

First write out your null and research hypotheses to help the Swamp Water Bottling Company figure out if there is a difference between the size of the stores and the location of where their “Fizzy Swamp Water” is located. PS: this is a two-way ANOVA at the .05 level of significance.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The downloadable solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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