A partial computer output from a regression analysis follows. The regression equation is Y = 8. 103

Question: A partial computer output from a regression analysis follows.

The regression equation is

Y = 8. 103 + 7. 602 X1 + 3.111 X2

Predictor Coef SE Coef T

Constant __8.103_____ 2.667 __3.0382___

X1 ___7.602____ 2.105 __3.6114___

X2 __3.111____ 0.613 ___5.0750__

S = 3.335 R-sq = 92.3% R-sq( adj ) = _____%

Analysis of Variance


Regression __2____ 1612 ___806___ __72.46751437___

Residual Error 12 ___133.4667___ __11.122225____

Total ___14___ __1745.4667____

a. Compute the missing entries in this output.

b. Use the F test and α = .05 to see whether a significant relationship is present.

c. Use the t test and α= .05 to test : = 0 and : = 0

d. Compute R.

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