There is some evidence that high school students justify cheating in class on the basis of poor teac

Question: There is some evidence that high school students justify cheating in class on the basis of poor teacher skills or low levels of teacher caring (Murdock, Miller, and Kohlhardt, 2004). Students appear to rationalize their illicit behavior based on perceptions of how their teachers view cheating. Poor teachers are thought not to know or care whether students cheat, so cheating in their classes is okay. Good teachers, on the other hand, do care and are alert to cheating, so students tend not to cheat in their classes. Following are hypothetical data similar to the actual research results. The scores represent judgments of the acceptability of cheating for the students in each sample.

a. Use an ANOVA with α = .05 to determine whether there are significant differences in student judgments depending on how they see their teachers.

b. Calculate n2 to measure the effect size for this study.

c. Write a sentence demonstrating how a research report would present the results of the hypothesis test and the measure of effect size.

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