The following statistics are taken from an article by P. Burch relating cigarette smoking to lung ca

Question: The following statistics are taken from an article by P. Burch relating cigarette smoking to lung cancer. The article presents data relating mortality from lung cancer to average cigarette consumption (lb/person) for females in England and Wales over a 40-year period.

The data are given in the table below.

Cigarette consumption and lung-cancer mortality in England and Wales, 1930-1969

Period \[Lo{{g}_{10}}\] mortality (over 5 years),y \[Lo{{g}_{10}}\] annual cigarette consumption (lb/person),x
1930-1934 -2.35 -0.26
1935-1939 -2.20 -0.03
1940-1944 -2.12 0.30
1945-1949 -1.95 0.37
1950-1954 -1.85 0.40
1955-1959 -1.80 0.50
1960-1964 -1.70 0.55
1965-1969 -1.58 0.55
\[\left( \sum\limits_{i=1}^{8}{{{x}_{i}}=2.38,\sum\limits_{i=1}^{8}{x_{i}^{2}=1.310,\sum\limits_{i=1}^{8}{{{y}_{i}}=-15.55,\sum\limits_{i=1}^{8}{y_{i}^{2}=30.708,\sum\limits_{i=1}^{8}{{{x}_{i}}{{y}_{i}}=-4.125}}}}} \right)\]

Fit a regression line relating 5-year lung-cancer mortality to annual cigarette consumption.

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