Solution) Mary Anne Drippy, the manager of Peoria’s Best Coffeehouse in downtown Prescott, (on the east side o

Question: Mary Anne Drippy, the manager of Peoria’s Best Coffeehouse in downtown Prescott, (on the east side of the square next to the Dollar Store), is working on her master’s degree at Northwest Central Florida State University (NCFSU) in nearby Ozone Florida[1]. She has been a manager of the coffeehouse for some years. As part of her studies for her graduate statistics class project she has collected data from 53 other Peoria’s Best coffeehouses from the Southeast U.S. (You can find this data in the Final Data file, under Question 35 – clever aren’t I?) Mary Ann knows that while a store’s size is important there are many other things that could impact profitability, such as is there a college nearby or does the coffeehouse offer drive-through service. Remarkable, she has the same deadline as you for this final to finish her project and turn it into her professor, Bob Sugars at NCFSU. You see, she hurt her right hand trying to open a can of Peoria’s Best coffee, to which she said many words that we cannot use in a family-centered final exam. You need to help her out and analyze this data; using dummy variables for the college and drive-through information. So this is your task.

In addition to using the correct test for this question, you are to estimate the total yearly income for a Peoria’s Best Coffeehouse with 1169 square feet, that is near a college and that has a drive through.

Final Extra Credit Question: How would you use this type of a statistical test with your organization? What types of questions would you try and answer using this test? Give specific answers.

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The answer consists of 2 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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