There is a story of a famous physicist who gave up economics because he thought it was too hard. On

Question: e[img src="@9165647"]

a. If we want to estimate selling price based on the age of the car, which variable is the dependent variable and which is the independent variable?

b. Draw a scatter diagram. [First, enter age and selling price data in Excel. Use Megastat Excel, correlation/regression, scatterplot function or Excel, Tools, Data Analysis, Regression function].

c. Determine the coefficient of correlation. Interpret the result. [use Megastat Excel, correlation/regression, correlation matrix].

d. Determine the coefficient of determination. Interpret the result.

e. Using regression coefficients table, write the simple linear regression equation that represents the relationship between age of car and its selling price.

f. Based on the regression equation, what will be the values of cars owned for the next 10 years?

Car Age Selling Price
1 9 8.1
2 7 6
3 11 3.6
4 12 4
5 8 5
6 7 10
7 8 7.6
8 11 8
9 10 8
10 12 6
11 6 8.6
12 6 8
Price: $2.99
See Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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