An employment agency wants to see which of three types of advertisements in the help-wanted section

Question: An employment agency wants to see which of three types of advertisements in the help-wanted section of local newspapers is the most effective. Three types of advertisements (big headline, straightforward, and bold print) were randomly alternated over a period of weeks and the number of people responding to the advertisements was noted each week.

Type of Advertisement
Number of Responses Big Headline Straightforward Bold Print
23 19 28
42 31 33
36 18 46
48 24 29
33 26 34
26 34
At the 0.01 level of significance and using the follow Excel output, does this data support the null hypothesis's position that there is NO difference in the effectiveness of the advertisements as measured by the mean number of people responding? (Please write out the symbols and the words of the null and alternative hypothesis.) Please note that the following output can be used to identify the solution. So you really can focus on doing a superb job on the step one symbol and words and the final answer (with given this information and "probably").

Excel Output

Big Headline Straightforward Bold Print
23 19 28
42 31 33
36 18 46
48 24 29
33 26 34
26 34
Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 6 208 34.66666667 89.46666667
Column 2 5 118 23.6 28.3
Column 3 6 204 34 41.2
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 407.9372549 2 203.9686275 3.725292378 0.050445485 6.514937922
Within Groups 766.5333333 14 54.75238095
Total 1174.470588 16
Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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