Use this multiple regression output to answer the given questions. SUMMARY OUTPUT

Question: Use this multiple regression output to answer the given questions.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.987606214
R Square 0.975366033
Adjusted R Square 0.975183108
Standard Error 5.34047778
Observations 408
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 456220.6 152073.5 5332.04 0
Residual 404 11522.36 28.5207
Total 407 467742.9
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 302.1532811 13.04715 23.15856 4.05E-76 276.5045 327.8021
avgEngine_Speed (rpm) -0.116140654 0.005488 -21.1619 1.97E-67 -0.12693 -0.10535
avgTorque (lb/ft) -0.024792339 0.008247 -3.00621 0.2281 -0.041 -0.00858
avgPower (hp) 0.109661467 0.018464 5.93912 6.18E-09 0.073363 0.145959

a. What is the model (equation)?

b. Make an estimate with Rpm = 1200, Torque = 450 and Hp=210

c. Perform a global test for model adequacy.

d. Test each parameter for usefulness and indicate which ones are needed and which are NOT needed in the model.

e. How do you feel about this models predictive power?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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