Exercise Performance and Ipratropium Bromide Aerosol Dose A study by Ikeda et al., (Thorax, 1996), w

Question: Exercise Performance and Ipratropium Bromide Aerosol Dose

A study by Ikeda et al., (Thorax, 1996), was designed to determine the dose of ipratropium bromide aerosol that improves exercise performance using progressive cycle ergometry in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The mean age of the 20 male subjects was 69.2 years with a standard deviation of 4.6 years. Among the data collected were the maximum ventilation (VEmax, L/min.) values at maximum achieved exercise for difference ipratropium bromide dosage levels ( \[\mu \] g). Each subject in the study was tested at each of the dose levels.

Data File: VE max IBA

a) Analyze these data to determine if the mean maximum ventilation differs significantly as a function of dose. Summarize your findings. (4 pts.)

b) Use Dunnett’s procedure to compare each dosage level with placebo. Which dosage levels, if any, significantly differ from placebo? (3 pts.)

c) Assuming that the larger VE values are best, what dosage would you recommend? Justify your choice. (3 pts.)

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 5 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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