In a study in which the number of levels in a factor (k)=3, number of scores in each sample (n)= 21

Question: In a study in which the number of levels in a factor (k)=3, number of scores in each sample (n)= 21, sample mean of x1=45.3, sample mean of x2=16.9, sample mean of x3=8.2, you compute the following sums of squares:

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F
Between 147.32
Within 862.99
Total 1010.31

a) Complete the ANOVA summary table

b) With the theoretical probability of a type 1 error=.05, what do you conclude about obtained value from F-ratio (Fobt)?

c) Report your results in the correct format

d) Perform the appropriate post hoc comparisons. What do you conclude about this relationship?

e) What is the effect size in this study, and what does this tell you about the influence of the independent variable?

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution file consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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