The following data are constructed so that all three treatments have exactly the same mean, M = 4. a

Question: The following data are constructed so that all three treatments have exactly the same mean, M = 4. a. Before you begin any calculations, predict what value should be obtained for SSbetween. (Hint: How big are the differences between treatments?) b. Calculate SStotal and SSwithin. You should find that all of the variability in the data is within-treatments variability (SStotal SSwithin). c. Complete the analysis of variance with α = .05 to determine whether there are any significant differences among the three treatments. (Does your answer agree with your prediction in part a?)

_ TREATMENT_________

I II III_______

0 2 3

6 6 2 N=12

4 4 5 G=48

6 4 6 EX2=234


M=4 M=4 M=4

SS=24 SS=8 SS=10

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See Answer: The solution file consists of 4 pages
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