Ten salespeople were surveyed, and the average number of client contacts per month, x, and the sa

Question: 15 Ten salespeople were surveyed, and the average number of client contacts per month, x, and the sales volume, y (in thousands), were recorded for each:

x 12 14 16 20 23 46 50 48 50 55
y 15 25 30 30 30 80 90 95 110 130

Refer to the following computer output and verify that the equation of the line of best fit is ? = 13.4 + 2.3x and that se = 10.17 by calculating these values yourself.

The regression equation is y = –13.4 + 2.30 x
Predictor Coef
Constant –13.414
x 2.3028
s = 10.17
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