You are the manufacturer of tortilla chips that has recently developed a new product, a blue corn to
Question: You are the manufacturer of tortilla chips that has recently developed a new product, a blue corn tortilla chip. You have arranged with a regional supermarket chain to display the chips at four different locations in the different stores owned by the chain. Each store will pick one of the four display location for the product. Weekly sales data are reported to your assistant. The assistant has sampled 20 stores for each different type of tortilla location (i.e. you have four different samples, each sample contains 20 observations – the weekly sales for 20 supermarkets). Your assistant runs an ANOVA table and tells you that the sum of squares between samples is 25, and the sum of squares within samples is 170.
a. What is the total sum of squares?
b. What is the test F statistic? (you need to compute MSB and MSW, mean square between and mean square within)
c. What is the critical F value (is the 0.05 level of significance)?
d. What is your conclusion? Does product placement matter?
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