Solution) The administration at an online university has recognized that critical lines of research have consi
Question: The administration at an online university has recognized that critical lines of research have consistently identified two crucial factors associated with effective higher education: (1) community and (2) learning. They also recognize that with the rapid advancement of technologies, they have been afforded the opportunity to enhance the online teaching and learning process. Thus, the administration is interested in knowing if the use of different technological mediums for the delivery of online courses affects students' development of community and learning. They plan to examine four different mediums: (1) virtual worlds, (2) e-conferencing systems, (3) chat systems, and (4) Blackboard Discussion Board forums. To determine if there was a difference between students’ sense of community based on mediums, they asked one educational statistics professor to teach his course using four different systems. Students were randomly assigned to four treatments for their statistics course. At the end of the course, they were asked to complete a survey that consisted of both a perceived learning and sense of community measure. Using this data, the first research question that was examined is as follows: Is there a difference in students' sense of community score by teacher? (Note that scores for community can range from 10 to 40 with higher scores reflecting higher degrees of community). Do not forget to analyze and report assumption of homogeneity of variances. An APA-style table may be helpful in adequately reporting descriptive statistics. A table sometimes makes it easier to compare means and interpret ANOVA results.
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