The data in the table represent the number of seed pods on a random sample of soybean plant for vari
Question: The data in the table represent the number of seed pods on a random sample of soybean plant for various plot types. An agricultural researcher wants to test the claim that the mean numbers of pods for each plot are equal.
Liberty 32 31 36 35 41 34 39 37 38
No Till 34 30 31 27 40 33 37 42 39
Chisel 34 37 24 23 32 33 27 34 30
Using a level of significance of á = 0.05, the following ANOVA table was generated by excel:
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
liberty 9 323 35.889 10.611
no till 9 313 34.778 25.444
chisel 9 274 30.444 23.278
source of variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between groups 148.963 2 74.481 0.038
Within groups 474.667 24 19.778
total 623.630 26
A)What are the null and alternate hypotheses?
B) What is the value of F?
C) What is the value of Fcrit?
D) Based on the values of F and Fcrit, should you reject or accept the null hypothesis?
E) Should you reject or accept the null hypothesis if the level of significance was changed to alpha = 0.01
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