A medical research firm performed an investigational study of the impact on lowering cholesterol lev

Question: A medical research firm performed an investigational study of the impact on lowering cholesterol levels by a combined regimen of different five diet plans and four exercise programs. The data from 20 participants was as follows, with the cell entries representing the drop in measured cholesterol levels:

Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D Plan E
Program A 26 22 29 19 24
Program B 19 17 24 16 23
Program C 23 21 18 20 15
Program D 28 20 29 17 22

At the 5% level of significance, determine whether (a) the five diet plans lower cholesterol levels comparably, and (b) the four exercise programs lower cholesterol comparably. [COMMENTS & HINTS: Think two-way ANOVA!]

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Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
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