The Penguin Company employs 200 men and 50 women. Of the male employees, 140 work in the plant, 20

Question: The Penguin Company employs 200 men and 50 women. Of the male employees, 140 work in the plant, 20 are in the office, and 40 are field salesmen. The female employees are distributed as follows: 10 to the plant, 25 to the office, and 15 to the sales. If the CEO, Stephanie, randomly selects an employee to tour a factory in Japan, what is the probability that he or she is:

Plant Worker Office Worker Field Salesman Totals
Men 140 20 40 200
Women 10 25 15 50
Total 150 45 55 250

a. Male?

b. Female?

c. Plant Employee?

d. Office Employee?

e. Sales Person?

f. Male Plant Employee?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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