Consider the following joint frequency table which summarizes voting trends in the most recent Presi

Question: Consider the following joint frequency table which summarizes voting trends in the most recent Presidential election.

a) Convert the table above to a joint probability table (15 points).

Use your table in part a) to find the following probabilities.

b) That a survey subject’s party affiliation is Republican (3 points).

c) That a survey subject did not vote in the 2008 Presidential election (3 points).

d) That a survey subject’s party affiliation is Republican and that she or he did not vote in the 2008 Presidential election (3 points).

e) That a survey subject’s party affiliation is Republican or that she or he did not vote in the 2008 Presidential election (5 points).

f) Suppose it is known that a survey subject’s party affiliation is Republican. What is the probability that she or he did not vote in the 2008 Presidential election (5 points).

g) What is the probability that two randomly selected survey subjects did not vote in the 2008 Presidential election. (Hint: This is an “and” probability. Assume independence) (5 points).

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Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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