Solution) A town has three pet shops - ‘Andersons Animals’, ‘Pauline’s Pet Emporium’ and ‘Best Friends’. One w

Question: A town has three pet shops – ‘Andersons Animals’, ‘Pauline’s Pet Emporium’ and ‘Best Friends’. One windy and damp autumn day, during lunchtime, a radical faction of the local branch of Animal Rights activists broke into the three pet shops, opened up the pet containers and chased all the animals out of each of the shops. The itinerary before the break-in for the combined figure of 410 pets included

Andersons Animals Kim's Pet Emporium Best Friends
Fennec Fox 7 2 11
Persian Cat 3 9 24
Total 70 130 210

A sighting of a rare animal in the local park is reported, assuming that is from one of the pet shops, what is the probability that it is;

i) A Persian Cat from Andersons Animals? (in other words, that it is a Persian Cat and from Anderson’s Animals)

ii) A Persian Cat?

The reported animal is caught in the park and is identified as a Persian Cat.

iii) Using parts (i) and (ii) or otherwise, find the probability that this Cat is from Andersons Animals.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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