Solution) The following data are the result of a marketing survey designed for the auto repair industry. Age

Question: The following data are the result of a marketing survey designed for the auto repair industry.

Age of Car that is the primary vehicle for transportation to work

a.) Find the probability that a randomly selected respondent has a car that is "at least eight years old".

b.) Find the probability that a randomly selected respondent has a car "at least two years old" and has "at least a college degree."

c.) Find the probability that a randomly selected respondent has a car that is less than two years old" given the person has "only a high school education."

d.) Given that a respondent does not have a graduate degree, find the probability the person has a car that is "less than eight years old."

e.) Are education and age of primary car independent? Why or why not?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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